Monthly Archives: February 2018

Interest Rates, Treasuries and Inflation

2018-02-26T12:03:36-06:00February 26, 2018|Categories: Weekly Update|

The Weekly Update

Week of February 26, 2018
By Christopher T. Much, CFP®, AIF®

Last week, the Presidents’ Day holiday meant markets were only open for 4 trading days, and during that time, we received comparatively few economic reports. Nonetheless, major domestic indexes showed considerable volatility and posted losses for 3 straight days. By Friday, however, stocks rebounded and ended the week in positive territory. For the week, the S&P 500 gained 0.55%, the Dow added 0.36%, and the NASDAQ was up 1.35%. International stocks in the MSCI EAFE lost ground, dropping 0.50%.

What drove market performance last week?

Once again, inflation and interest rates were on many investors’ minds. In particular, multiple reports from the Federal Reserve contributed to performance.

On Wednesday, the Fed released minutes from its January meeting, which indicated that officials had concerns about inflation. The minutes revealed that between rising inflation and economic growth, the Fed sees justification for …

  • Chomping At The Bitcoin - Stack of Coins

Chomping at the Bitcoin

2025-03-26T09:55:13-05:00February 22, 2018|Categories: Resource Center|Tags: |

Chomping at the Bitcoin: Cryptomania blasts ahead

Chomping at the Bitcoin

Not a day goes by – perhaps not even an hour – where the conversation does not turn to cryptocurrency. Bitcoin, Ethereum. Litecoin, Ripple, to mention a handful. As interest skyrockets in these potential investments, we thought it appropriate to take a step back and dig into cryptocurrencies a little further.

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, like Ethereum and Ripple, have gained immense popularity in recent years. As these digital currencies gain attention as potential investments, it’s important to understand how they work and what benefits they offer compared to traditional currencies. For simplicity, we’ll focus on Bitcoin, the first and largest cryptocurrency, created in 2009.

At its core, Bitcoin was designed to enable financial transactions outside of the control of banks and governments. This idea has gained traction due to widespread public distrust of traditional financial institutions. With Bitcoin, users can …

Stocks Rebound

2018-02-20T14:30:09-06:00February 20, 2018|Categories: Weekly Update|

The Weekly Update

Week of February 20, 2018
By Christopher T. Much, CFP®, AIF®

Markets rebounded last week, posting sizable gains and moving back into positive territory for the year. All three domestic indexes experienced their largest weekly growth in years, despite losing some ground on Friday after news of additional indictments in the Russia investigation.

By markets’ close on February 16, the S&P 500 added 4.30%, the Dow was up 4.25%, and the NASDAQ increased 5.31%. International stocks in the MSCI EAFE also gained 4.18% for the week.

This performance, however, did not come from simple, straightforward increases. Instead, the volatility from recent weeks continued. In fact, the S&P 500 lost or gained at least 1% on 8 of the past 10 trading days. The index only experienced that movement level 8 times throughout 2017.

Key Economic Findings

We received a wealth of data last week, and the readings helped deepen our understanding of …

Special Update: Understanding Volatility

2018-02-12T14:21:36-06:00February 12, 2018|Categories: Weekly Update|

The Weekly Update

Week of February 12, 2018
By Christopher T. Much, CFP®, AIF®

After months of relative calm, market fluctuations are causing many investors to wonder what is happening to the economy. Last week, the S&P 500 lost 5.16%, the Dow dropped 5.21%, and the NASDAQ declined 5.06%. The MSCI EAFE also gave back 6.19%. These losses pushed all four indexes into negative territory for the year. In addition, the weekly performance included significant volatility, as stocks had large fluctuations both within days and from one day to the next. The Dow, for example, lost over 1000 points twice during the week—and twice gained over 300 points.

During times like these, viewing events in their proper context is imperative. This week, we are going beyond our typical market update to provide you with clarity and perspective.

Our Analysis of the Recent Market Turbulence
The markets started 2018 with the wind in their sails, …

Markets Slide as Bond Yields Rise

2018-02-05T13:25:53-06:00February 5, 2018|Categories: Weekly Update|

The Weekly Update

Week of February 5, 2018
By Christopher T. Much, CFP®, AIF®

After 4 straight weeks of gains, the markets have slipped. As of Friday, the S&P 500 lost 3.85%, the Dow dropped 4.12%, and the NASDAQ decreased by 3.53%. International stocks in the MSCI EAFE also took a 2.78% hit. Domestically, the losses spanned sectors and asset classes. For the S&P 500, all 11 of the index’s industries lost ground last week. This decline came after the S&P 500 had its best January performance in over 20 years.

So, what happened?

Looking at the markets’ sizable losses, you might expect that discouraging economic data came out last week—or some geopolitical drama spooked investors. On the contrary, the drops came in response to news that seems positive on the surface: Job and wage growth are picking up.

Reviewing the Jobs Report
On Friday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that we added 200,000 …

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