We don’t have offices full of cubicles on every corner and in every strip mall. We don’t have big budget advertisements…
We just have a team of dedicated, knowledgeable professionals ready to help you cover your assets in an increasingly complex marketplace. And this is what we look like…
WDD Content2021-06-02T16:47:00-05:00
WDD Content2021-06-02T16:45:46-05:00
Meet Chuck
Chuck Marien
Executive Vice President
With considerable experience in retirement planning, Chuck can help you decipher your profit sharing plan, 401(k) plan, SEP plan or Simple IRA.Meet Chuck
WDD Content2024-01-30T11:53:00-06:00
Meet Chris
Christopher Much
Vice President
Chris is one of four portfolio managers for the CTS Consolidated Asset Management Program (CAMP). He utilizes his in-depth understanding of behavioral finance and economics and their effects on trading markets to offer a unique perspective to our clients.Meet Chris
WDD Content2024-01-30T11:52:19-06:00
Meet Jon
Jonathon Much
Vice President
Jon is one of four portfolio managers for the CTS Consolidated Asset Management Program (CAMP), meeting daily with the team to monitor the status of financial markets and discuss relevant, current events before making affecting our clients’ portfolios.Meet Jon
WDD Content2024-01-30T11:51:49-06:00
Meet Max
Max Lukawski
Director of Tax Services
Max is a member of the National Association of Tax Professionals (NATP) and the Director of Tax Services at CTS. He is committed to ensuring our clients’ tax returns are completed and filed efficiently and accurately.Meet Max