Resource Center

  • Couple Hugging

CARES Act Overview

2020-04-10T09:44:59-05:00April 10, 2020|Categories: Resource Center|Tags: |

CARES Act Overview

As the CARES Act was signed into law very recently, we wanted to share a summary of the key provisions and how they might affect you. Take a look at our quick overview. In particular, small business assistance and the waiver of Required Minimum Distributions.

  • Financial Advisor Looking At Computer Screen

The Value of a Fee-Only, Fiduciary Advisor

2020-03-27T10:59:03-05:00March 27, 2020|Categories: Resource Center|Tags: , |

The Value of a Fee-Only, Fiduciary Advisor

What makes financial advice “good enough”? Well, that depends on if your advisor is working under the fiduciary or the best interest standard. The good news is that as the client, you have the power to decide which standard is the right fit for you. We shared how in our recent article.

  • Financial Goals for 30 - Woman Poses With Backpack

Financial Goals for Your 30th Birthday

2020-02-21T10:21:42-06:00February 21, 2020|Categories: Resource Center|Tags: , |

Financial Goals for Your 30th Birthday

The years between 20 and 30 can be some of the most exciting – and challenging – times in life. But what really matters when it comes to the financial lives of young investors? To help simplify things a bit, we created a resource that details 8 financial goals for investors to accomplish before their 30th birthday. If you’re under 30, how are you doing on the list? If you are over 30, how are the young investors in your life doing? Take a look.

  • Grandpa & Grandson On Bumper Cars

The SECURE Act: 3 Key Takeaways

2020-02-07T09:38:17-06:00February 7, 2020|Categories: Resource Center|Tags: |

The SECURE Act: 3 Key Takeaways

By many estimates, the SECURE Act was the largest retirement reform bill since 2006. But at 18,000 words long, most investors haven’t had time to sit down and read it yet. The good news is, we just finished an article that details three key takeaways from the act, and you can get your copy now.

  • People Walking On Street

Insurance: Just Starting Out

2020-01-17T09:27:36-06:00January 17, 2020|Categories: Resource Center|Tags: |

Insurance: Just Starting Out

The transition to adulthood is an exciting time that marks true independence. With this new freedom comes some real responsibility, including the need for protection against the financial risks that life can present. Consider the following guidance as you determine your insurance strategy and decide how to protect your financial future

  • Started in Chicago - Chicago Theater

Started in Chicago

2019-12-20T13:59:47-06:00December 20, 2019|Categories: Resource Center|Tags: |

Started in Chicago

Every year, Chicago further strengthens its position as a business and tech hub, serving as home base to many fantastic young companies and well-known, industry powerhouses. Watch our latest presentation that takes a look at some big Chicago companies that started small, and small companies ready to do big things, along with the ecosystem of launch pads that are empowering the next generation of entrepreneurs.

  • Three People on Edge of the River

Estate Strategies – Critical Elements of an Estate Plan

2019-12-12T10:06:31-06:00December 12, 2019|Categories: Resource Center|Tags: , , |

Estate Strategies – Critical Elements of an Estate Plan

Taking steps to help protect your estate is an important financial choice. With proper strategies, you may be able to maximize your opportunities and help manage stress and confusion for your loved ones. Take a look at some important details to address when creating your own estate plan in our new piece.

  • Woman Working On Taxes

Tax Planning: Year End Preparations

2019-10-25T10:13:51-05:00October 25, 2019|Categories: Resource Center|Tags: , |

Tax Planning: Year End Preparations

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 continues to provide Americans with opportunities and challenges as they prepare to file their taxes. As we prepare to head into tax season once again, we feel that a review of deductions, tax brackets and exemptions may be in order. Grab a copy of our updated 2020 Tax Planning piece here.

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