Weekly Update

Did you Know? US Fair Labor Standards Act

2016-06-08T10:31:15-05:00June 8, 2016|Categories: Weekly Update|

Did you know? US Fair Labor Standards Act On May 18th, a major change to the US Fair Labor Standards Act was announced which is expected to affect around 4.2 million workers nationwide. Until recently, many employers were exempt from paying most “white collar” employees overtime pay if their yearly salary exceeded $23,666. The Obama administration has stated that the Federal salary threshold will be drastically increased to $47,476 and will continue to increase every 3 years with future inflation taken into account. The new threshold will go into effect starting December 1, 2016, which leaves many employers scrambling to come into compliance.

For those employees who are covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act; employers will need to decide the best way to proceed as they will have to:

• Increase salaries to exceed the new threshold.
• Limit work hours to 40 hours per week.
• Leave salaries the …

Did You Know? Long Term Care

2016-05-25T21:56:06-05:00May 25, 2016|Categories: Weekly Update|

Did You Know? Long Term Care Long Term Care Insurance (LTCi) is a range of services and supports you may need to meet your personal care needs. LTCi is not medical care, but rather assistance with the basic personal tasks of everyday life sometimes referred to as “Activities of Daily Life” or “ADLs”.

Did you know…

  • More than 70% of people age 65+ will require long-term care services during the course of their lives?
  • As of 2014, the average length of stay at a nursing home was more than 2 years? And 20% will need long-term care for over 5 years?
  • As of 2014, the average daily cost of staying in a nursing home is over $250, which means that staying in a nursing home could cost over $90,000 per year?
  • On average, women live 5 to 10 years longer than men and therefore are more likely to …

Even after his tragic demise, one of the most talented musicians of our time leaves everybody some advice.

2016-05-25T10:55:22-05:00May 25, 2016|Categories: Weekly Update|

While everyone mourns his tragic death, Prince leaves another important message After Prince’s tragic death, there has been a surge in estate planning.  It’s unfortunate that a tragedy such as this creates a movement, but on the bright side it is forcing people to think about a difficult decision that is extremely important.

Are you adequately protected?


Nationwide rent jumps in April

2016-05-19T13:06:07-05:00May 19, 2016|Categories: Weekly Update|

Does any of this surprise you?

[contentcards url=”http://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-salary-you-need-to-afford-the-rent-in-these-15-cities-2016-05-17″ target=”_blank”] Although the order of these lists haven’t changed much over the past several years, it’s pretty wild to see that the salary needed to afford rent in San Francisco is more than 5.5x that of Detroit residents.

Welcome to the CTS Financial Group Blog!

2016-05-18T11:04:56-05:00May 18, 2016|Categories: Weekly Update|

Welcome to the CTS Financial Group Blog! We are extremely excited to provide our clients and visitors with another avenue of communication in hopes of increasing collaboration and interaction with the team at CTS!

The CTS Financial Group blog will cover a variety of subjects including all sorts of financial topics ranging from market conditions, tax preparation, financial planning, insurance and more as well as non-financial information such as current events in Chicago (and beyond) as well as articles of interest from around the world and much more.

Our goal is to provide you with a resource for thought-provoking issues supplemented with some educational (and hopefully enlightening) financial content to keep you stimulated and entertained. You’ll be reading topics written by team members from across the board at CTS, and potentially from some guest authors as well.

While we look forward to connecting with you though our blog, it is certainly not a …

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