
Empower Your Future

2018-08-23T16:46:24-05:00August 23, 2018|Categories: Resource Center|Tags: , , , |

Empower Your Future

Today, fewer than 1 in 4 employees have a pension – and that number is falling. Social security is changing too, as the retirement age to receive full benefits rises. Younger generations can no longer rely only on the system for retirement savings. It’s up to you to provide for yourself, and to prepare to do so sooner rather than later. Grab a copy of our latest article to learn how to build a thoughtful savings and investing plan for today and for the future.

  • Blockchain - An Everyday Thing?

Blockchain: An Everyday Thing?

2018-06-14T10:14:53-05:00June 14, 2018|Categories: Resource Center|Tags: |

Blockchain:  An Everyday Thing?

Imagine a world where contracts are embedded in digital code and stored in transparent, shared databases – protected from deletion, tampering, and revision. A world where patient information is communicated between healthcare providers to save lives, rather than jeopardize privacy. A place where individuals, organizations, machines, and algorithms can freely interact with one another with little friction. These are the immense possibilities of blockchain and its potential to upend the way we manage data and information across verticals, on a global scale.

  • Investment Gaps and Overlaps

Managing Held Away Assets

2018-05-31T10:37:09-05:00May 31, 2018|Categories: Resource Center|Tags: , |

Investment Gaps & Overlaps

By the age of 50, the average person will have 11.9 jobs. Along the way, you may collect smaller retirement plan accounts at your previous employers. However, as a group, these accounts may amount to one of your largest assets. Are you allowing these assets to go unmanaged? Consolidating them under the watchful eye of a trusted financial guide just may be the answer.

  • Active Management - Man Running

Active Management: A Potential Cure for the Volatility Blues?

2018-04-27T10:24:31-05:00April 27, 2018|Categories: Resource Center|Tags: , |

Active Management: A Potential Cure for the Volatility Blues?

Even when markets seem to be steadily climbing, investors can find it difficult to maintain the discipline required to stick with a long-term investment plan. When markets become volatile, that discipline can be even more challenging. Is there a better to preserve your assets during these times of heightened market volatility and help you feel more comfortable looking to the horizon? Grab our new article –

  • Chomping At The Bitcoin - Stack of Coins

Chomping at the Bitcoin

2018-02-22T14:55:11-06:00February 22, 2018|Categories: Resource Center|Tags: |

Cryptomania blasts ahead

Not a day goes by – perhaps not even an hour – where the conversation does not turn to cryptocurrency. Bitcoin, Ethereum. Litecoin, Ripple, to mention a handful. As interest skyrockets in these potential investments, we thought it appropriate to take a step back and dig into cryptocurrencies a little further.

Grab a copy of our newest article here.

  • Six Reasons You Need More Than A Robo-Advisor

Rise of the Robots or a Relationship Renaissance?

2021-06-10T16:16:19-05:00August 30, 2017|Categories: Resource Center|Tags: , , , |

Rise of the robots? Not so fast.

Are we experiencing a rise of the machines or an opportunity for a relationship renaissance? When it comes to robo-advisors, CTS believes in forward-thinking technology but not at the expense of hands-on research and face-to-face interaction. DOWNLOAD our latest article for our take on the robo-advisor movement, and why we believe you deserve more than just automation.

6 Principles of Long-Term Investing

2021-06-10T15:57:21-05:00May 5, 2017|Categories: Resource Center|Tags: |

6 Principles of Long-Term Investing

We believe that increasing your wealth over time is about more than making the right stock picks. Over the years, we have observed the effect of fear, greed, lack of discipline and many other the pitfalls that investors experience.  To help you avoid these potential issues, CTS has compiled The 6 Principles of Long-Term Investing as a guide to help you make investment decisions.

Download a copy of this piece here.

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