wealth management

  • Woman Drinking Coffee On Bench With Dog At Her Side

9 Crucial Steps to Ensure You’re Prepared for Retirement

2025-02-28T10:35:32-06:00March 26, 2021|Categories: Resource Center, Weekly Update|Tags: , , , |

9 Crucial Steps to Ensure You’re Prepared for Retirement

How do you envision your retirement? The answers to that question are very different and very personal for all of us. To help you prepare and decide how you want to live in your second act, you’ll need to cross some important items off your to-do list. Grab a copy of our handy checklist – organized the way we like to work with our clients – to help you visualize how far you’ve come and where you want to go. https://bit.ly/2Pm7S21

  • Three People on Edge of the River, Estate Strategies

Estate Strategies – Critical Elements of an Estate Plan

2025-03-04T14:20:25-06:00December 12, 2019|Categories: Resource Center|Tags: , , |

Estate Strategies – Critical Elements of an Estate Plan

Taking steps to help protect your estate is an important financial choice. With proper strategies, you may be able to maximize your opportunities and help manage stress and confusion for your loved ones. Take a look at some important details to address when creating your own estate plan in our new piece. http://bit.ly/354S5aW

  • Christopher Much Proust Questionnaire

The Proust Questionnaire Journey Continues with Christopher Much

2025-03-05T10:23:11-06:00September 7, 2018|Categories: Resource Center|Tags: , , |

The Proust Questionnaire Journey Continues with Christopher Much

Christopher Much steps up to the Proust Questionnaire plate today, giving us some visibility into what makes him tick. Did you know that when he’s not crunching numbers and consulting with clients, Chris throws on a Gi and can be found studying the art of jiu-jitsu? Meet Chris. http://bit.ly/cts_proust2

  • Jonathan Much Takes the Proust Questionnaire

Jonathon Much Takes the Proust Questionnaire

2025-03-05T10:30:43-06:00July 12, 2018|Categories: Resource Center|Tags: , |

Jonathon Much Takes the Proust Questionnaire

In the late 1800’s, the Proust Questionnaire emerged as a popular parlor game and a way for friends and associates to better get to know one another.  We distributed the questionnaire to the CTS team so that you could see what makes them tick. Jonathon Much is first up in answering the Proust Questionnaire.

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