wealth management

  • What to Know Before You Invest

Choosing a Financial Advisor: What to Know Before You Invest

2025-03-05T10:33:20-06:00June 28, 2018|Categories: Resource Center|Tags: , , , |

Choosing a Financial Advisor:  What to Know Before You Invest

Choosing a financial advisor may be one of the most important financial decisions that you’ll ever make, and the quality of this advisor’s advice could heavily influence your long-term financial success. Consider these things before making your selection. http://bit.ly/choosing_advisor

  • Active Management - Man Running, Active Management: A Potential Cure For The Volatility Blues

Active Management: A Potential Cure for the Volatility Blues?

2025-03-05T10:45:38-06:00April 27, 2018|Categories: Resource Center|Tags: , |

Active Management: A Potential Cure for the Volatility Blues?

Even when markets seem to be steadily climbing, investors can find it difficult to maintain the discipline required to stick with a long-term investment plan. When markets become volatile, that discipline can be even more challenging. Is there a better to preserve your assets during these times of heightened market volatility and help you feel more comfortable looking to the horizon? Grab our new article – http://bit.ly/2HnyzPk

  • Family Wealth Management Process, financial roadmap

Taking an Active Role in Your Family’s Wealth Management Process

2025-03-05T10:58:28-06:00October 25, 2017|Categories: Resource Center|Tags: , |

Four tangible steps to follow your family’s financial roadmap

Likely, your parents haven’t shared their financial goals, intentions and legacy wishes with you. A discussion of family financial values and wealth transfer plans is an inherently difficult, albeit necessary, conversation. While no one wants to have this conversation with their parents or loved ones, we think it’s a necessary step that can provide you with the roadmap you need to follow and thoughtfully execute your family’s financial plan.

We are excited to share with you our latest piece, Taking an Active Role in Your Family’s Wealth Management Process, which suggests four tangible steps for starting this process. Download a copy of this piece now.

  • Planned Philanthropy, Giving Back Planned Philanthropy

Giving Back with Planned Philanthropy

2025-03-05T11:02:43-06:00September 14, 2017|Categories: Resource Center|Tags: , |

What part does philanthropy play in planning a lasting legacy?

At CTS, we understand that success in life is about more than amassing wealth. It’s about the conscious legacy you leave behind for your loved ones, community, and society – the lives you’ve touched or perhaps even changed. We created this special article to share what we believe are some of the financial and social benefits of a proactive approach to philanthropy. Grab a copy here.

  • Six Reasons You Need More Than A Robo-Advisor, Rise of the Robots

Rise of the Robots or a Relationship Renaissance?

2025-03-05T12:43:07-06:00August 30, 2017|Categories: Resource Center|Tags: , , , |

Rise of the robots? Not so fast.

Are we experiencing a rise of the machines or an opportunity for a relationship renaissance? When it comes to robo-advisors, CTS believes in forward-thinking technology but not at the expense of hands-on research and face-to-face interaction. DOWNLOAD our latest article for our take on the robo-advisor movement, and why we believe you deserve more than just automation.

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